Our Story


After many years of working across the public and private sectors Julienne and Peter identified the need to provide high quality, accessible and evidence based allied health services to the community. This has evolved into a service with an experienced team of like-minded allied health professionals who are able to provide client focussed services within our clinics and within the home through our community services that span greater metro Sydney.

Our success has been due to the professional and personalised service we offer to all of our clients and that we take the time to care.  In addition to the compassion, empathy and dedication of our staff and a genuine motivation to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our staff and clients.

The evolution of our service has been through a partnership between our staff, the services providers we work alongside and, most critically, our clients that we support. We have made some mistakes along the way but have always striven to be engaged and reflective in the services we provide. This has ensured that client centred care and continual improvement have been at our core.

In this time, we have raised a family of our own and juggled the ups, downs and pressures of managing a busy family, all that this brings, and an equally busy work life. This is something that we are all too familiar with in the modern world we move through. While by no means being unique, this experience has, nonetheless, kept us grounded and shaped our outlook and approach in all that we do. To this end we have nurtured and supported our team with this understanding with a family focus and we are fortunate to have an extended family in the RHFA team.


This has also ensured that we have attempted to review and reflect upon the services we provide through the lens of our clients. It is this broader understanding, a holistic approach and an awareness that we must look beyond what we do when we are with our clients that has facilitated better outcomes. It is only when we translate what has been learnt and what has been achieved back into the day to day life of our clients that the services we provide can be truly transformative. This can only be achieved with an empathetic understanding of the journey of our clients- their story!

Our client’s story has been always been critically important in the decisions we have made and the way we shape our service.   It is the journey that we have taken together with our clients that continues to form RHFA into the thriving business it is today.

People have told us that health care users will not want to know about Our Story. That they want to receive a health service, ensure their needs are attended to and move on. But the reason for our success is Our Story.

Every business has a story to tell. Ours highlights our passion, development and better yet, our strength.