Savio is a dedicated physiotherapist who embarked on his career in healthcare with a passion for helping others. Graduating from the University of Sydney in 2012, Savio quickly found his calling in the field of neurological rehabilitation, specialising in working with individuals who have suffered with a traumatic brain injuries and other neurological conditions such as strokes. He spent a few years working between Westmead Hospital and a private hospital across different inpatient and outpatient settings before landing at the Liverpool Brain Injury Rehab Unit for the next 7 years.

Savio has extensive experience in working closely with patients to achieve their goals as well as working in multidisciplinary teams to help patients with varied and complex needs.

Savio employs a holistic approach to patient-care, considering all aspects of a person’s well-being and ensuring he delivers high quality evidence based care to his clients.

When not working, Savio loves to spend time outdoors with his family, going to the beach, going to the gym and in the winter, snowboarding.